Durga puja is clean blue sky with white floating clouds heralding its arrival
Durga puja is the fragrance of shiuli and the beauty of the lovely kaash phool filling up your autumn mind
Durga puja is listening to Mahisasurmardini at the crack of dawn on Mahalaya
Durga puja is counting the number of new dresses your parents bought for you
Durga puja is waiting for the whole family to get together
Durga puja is going out with your friends anytime without being stopped
Durga puja is non-stop ‘addas’ for hours at a stretch with friends and family
Durga Puja is feeling a special sense of strength and empowerment looking at the gorgeous Durga Pratima
Durga Puja is knowing about Durga Maa and her family’s adventures from my Maa
Durga puja is fasting and getting engrossed in the divine beauty of the Ashtami puja in the morning
Durga puja is feeling a sense of purity and accomplishment while performing Ashtami’s Pushpanjali
Durga puja is waiting for the sound of dhaak, smell of incense sticks/dhuno and the sight of the entertaining dhunuchi naach
Durga puja is gorging on the delicacies like egg rolls and biryani
Durga Puja is enjoying the sights and sounds of the ‘mini mela’ of our ‘para’ pujo
Durga Puja is enjoying the small rides and buying brand new books
Durga puja is budding romances, harmless flirting, the shy smiles and the discreet eye contacts
Durga Puja is getting mesmerized by the spontaneity of ‘Sindur Khela’
Durga Puja is running out to the yard and dancing to the amusing tunes of the ‘Bisarjan’ procession band music
Durga puja is having the time of your life
Durga puja is an emotion, waiting in anticipation
This is me writing about how the teenager me will describe her Durga Puja, the ones which I enjoyed the most in my small city of Durgapur and miss thoroughly. With the Durga Puja knocking at the door, I thought it would be apt to dedicate a post about the events of the Puja during the time I enjoyed it the most. The most fascinating part is that they still feel like yesterday, with all the minute details lingering fresh in the mind!
I am taking my blog to the next level with #MyFriendAlexa campaign of Blogchatter. This is my 6th post for the campaign.